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Asia Pacific Memory Sports Council (APMSC), whose executive President is David Zhang, is the independent governing body of mind sports of memory and the representative of WMSC(World Memory Sports Council)in the Asia Pacific region which holds Asia Pacific Open Memory Championships annually and manages its relevant certifications in this region.

As the founder and president of Asia Pacific Memory Sports Council, he successfully organized the 26th-31st World Memory Championships as well as the 9th-14th World Mind Mapping Championships in China.

As the Asia President for Tony Buzan Group now, he exclusively owns and manages all certification and training business under the brand of Tony Buzan in all Asia region.

As a publisher with over 20 years’ experience and international background, he published many important authors in the world, such as Agatha Christie, Dan Brown, Mario Vagas Llosa, Higashino Keigo, Edward de Bono and Tony Buzan.

David Zhang was awarded the Freedom of the City of London at the Guildhall on 31st January 2018, in recognition of his contributions to Sino-UK cultural exchange and mind sports.

Mr Teo Kim Foo is the Vice Global Chief Arbiter of WMSC, president of APMSC. He is also the president of World Memory Sports Council for Malaysia.

Mr Teo Kim Foo is an accomplished Memory Athlete and Memory Trainer in Malaysia. He achieved the title of International Master of Memory (IMM) in year 2014. His objectives are to introduce various effective memory skills and techniques which used by the World’s top Memory Athletes to accelerate the speed in learning to our nation, and nurture more Malaysia memory athletes to participate in World Memory Championships.

He is also the 1st Malaysian who achieved the title of Level 3 Arbiter (Judge of World Memory Championships) recognized by World Memory Sports Council.

Mr Wellon Chou is appointed as the president of World Memory Sports Council for Singapore.

His expertise includes Right Brain Memorisation, Visualisation,  Mind Mapping and Whole Brain Development. To-date, he is already an IMM and has achieved Six National Memory Records. Cognisantof his talent, he was given the opportunity to conduct trainings in governmentinstitutions such as Singapore Polytechnic, Temasek Polytechnic and ITE College(West) and for corporate professionals from DBS Bank, Schenker, ECON Healthcare Group, Berries and many more.

He has been featured in several interviews by the media including Channel News Asia, The Straits Times, The New Paper, Shin Min Daily, Lianhe Wanbao, etc.

Mr Nakagawa Takashi is appointed as the president of World Memory Sports Council for Japan.

He has been playing memory sports since 2006 and he is the athlete who ranks the second  in the length of memory in Japan.

He won the second place in the 2008 Japan Memory Championship.

He is always supporting  memory sports in Japan mainly behind the scenes. With this new appointment, he would like to further support the memory sports in Japan.

Ms. Eva Chan is currently the President of the World Memory Sports Council (Hong Kong).

She started engaging in memory sport since 2011 and achieved the “International Grandmaster of Memory” (GMM) in the next year, which enabled Eva to become the first woman in Hong Kong to obtain this honor.

In addition, Eva has won the Champion of Hong Kong Memory Championships for 2 consecutive years in 2013 and 2014.

With more than 10-year memory teaching experiences, she established the "Hong Kong Institute of Memory Education" in 2017, which chiefly provides a series of memory courses and trainings for various schools and corporations.

Lillian is the PR officer of Asia Pacific Memory Sports Council. With proficiency in the use of memory and other learning skills, Lillian was promoted for three times to higher grades and completed her master degree at LSE at age 21. Lillian has participated in a variety of TV game shows, including <Super Brain Season 7>、<Challenge the Impossible>、<Who’s still standing>.

As an official licensed arbiter of memory, she worked in a series of world memory championships which have been staged in Wuhan, Hong Kong, Shenzhen.

She was invited by many schools to teach students learning techniques and help them to become better in their studies.


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